GraphQL information

GraphQL schema

This page describes the schema definition used for the GraphQL types and queries available through the DLRN API.

You can generate a human-readable version of the schema by running the following script:

from dlrn.api.graphql import schema
from graphql.utils import schema_printer

schema_str = schema_printer.print_schema(schema)


The Commit type is converted from its schema in the database.

.. code-block:

type CIVote {
     id: ID!
     commitId: Int!
     ciName: String
     ciUrl: String
     ciVote: Boolean
     ciInProgress: Boolean
     timestamp: Int
     notes: String
     user: String
     component: String
     commit: Commit

Like Commit type, CIVote is converted from its schema to database.

The CIVoteAgg is converted from CIVote_Aggregate DB schema.

The PackageStatus type is generated directly in Graphene.


All queries should conform to the GraphQL language. When more than one item is returned, they will be sorted by descending id order, which means newer commits or CI Votes are displayed first.

Note that you will need to specify which fields from the return type you want to get. See the GraphQL tutorial for additional details.

Available queries:

  • commits


  • projectName: limit the results to the commits belonging to the specified project name.
  • component: limit the results to the commits belonging to the specified component.
  • status: limit the results to the commits with the specified status.
  • offset: return the results after the specified entry.
  • limit: return a maximum amount of commits (100 by default, cannot be higher than 100).
  • commitHash: limit the results to the commits containing the specified commit hash.
  • distroHash: limit the results to the commits containing the specified distro hash.
  • extendedHash: limit the results to the commits containing the specified extended hash. In this case, extendedHash can contain wildcards in SQL format, so setting extendedHash to “foo%” in the query will return all commits with an extended hash that starts by “foo”.
  • civote

Arguments: - commitId: limit the results to the civote belonging to the commit id. - ciName: limit the results to the civote belonging to the CI name. - ciVote: limit the results to the civote belonging to the voting CI. - ciInProgress: limit the results to the civote belonging to “In Progress” state. - timestamp: limit the results to the civote belonging to the specified timestamp. - user: limit the results to the civote belonging to the specified user. - component: limit the results to the civote belonging to the specified component. - offset: return the results after the specified entry. - limit: return a maximum amount of commits (100 by default, cannot be higher than 100).

  • civoteAgg

Arguments: - refHash: limit the results to the civote_aggregation belonging to the specified reference hash. - ciName: limit the results to the civote_aggregation belonging to the specified CI name. - ciVote: limit the results to the civote_aggregation belonging to the specified CI vote. - ciInProgress: limit the results to the civote_aggregation belonging to the specified CI in progress state. - timestamp: limit the results to the civote_aggregation belonging to the specified timestamp. - user: limit the results to the civote_aggregation belonging to the specified user. - offset: return the results after the specified entry. - limit: return a maximum amount of commits (100 by default, cannot be higher than 100).

  • packageStatus

Arguments: - projectName: limit the results to the status of the specified project name. - status: limit the results to the packages with the specified status.

Querying the GraphQL endpoint

As described in the GraphQL website, when GraphQL is served over HTTP it is possible to run queries using both GET and POST methods.

GET example

$ curl 'http://localhost:5000/api/graphql?query=\{commits\{component%20projectName\}\}'

Note that in the curl command line we are escaping braces and replacing blank spaces with %20. The equivalent query when run from a broswer would be http://localhost:5000/api/graphql?query={ commits { component projectName } }.

POST example

$ curl http://localhost:5000/api/graphql -H POST -d 'query={ commits { component projectName } }'

In this case, we are using a POST method, and the query is JSON-encoded. Note that it is also possible to use a GET method with a JSON-encoded payload.